Cat and Fiddle – Lesley Jorgensen

Cat and Fiddle - Lesley Jorgensen

Cat and Fiddle – Lesley Jorgensen

I have a few books for which I need to write reviews – it is just a matter of finding the time. I read a review of Cat and Fiddle in The Australian (same article as The Rosie Project) and I was intrigued. I popped along to my favourite book store to get a copy – I do try to support the local independent book store.

I really enjoyed this novel. It had lots of overt references to Pride and Prejudice (even direct quotes – I don’t have my copy at the moment so can’t provide quotes), but it was so much more as well. Part clash of cultures (East meets West), part romance, definitely a comment on current social mores. All written with a light, amusing touch.

Here’s the blurb …

Cat & Fiddle centres on two families whose lives become entwined at the country estate of Bourne Abbey. While Dr Choudhury is busy advising Henry Bourne on the restoration of the abbey to its former glory, his wife’s main concern is marrying off their three children, whose chances of good matches are dwindling by the day. Thankfully, the royal family always seems to have a solution to her problems: how to find a wife for a reluctant son; how to manage a difficult father-in-law; and, of course, how not to deal with an inter-faith relationship.

Then there’s the Bourne family. Henry’s wife, Thea, is feeling lost, now that she’s got the lifestyle she’s always longed for. His elder brother, Richard, a successful London barrister, finds himself increasingly drawn to the family home — the inheritance that he’s given up. Meanwhile, Henry just wants to keep the peace, but that’s proving to be tricky …

And, finally, there’s Bourne Abbey itself: the repository of an ancient mystery that links the histories and cultures of the Bournes and the Choudhurys in a way that no one could have anticipated.

This novel is full of action, melodrama and violence and yet is funny and touching. It is about how family can define you, but also rescue you.

More reviews …–fiddle-20130131-2dmmq.html

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