I read The Dry and enjoyed it. Not enough to read her second novel and when this was suggested by my book club I wasn’t very keen. However, it was recommended by so many people I thought I should give it a go.
Here’s the blurb…
Two brothers meet at the border of their vast cattle properties under the unrelenting sun of outback Queensland, in this stunning new standalone novel from New York Times bestseller Jane Harper
They are at the stockman’s grave, a landmark so old, no one can remember who is buried there. But today, the scant shadow it casts was the last hope for their middle brother, Cameron. The Bright family’s quiet existence is thrown into grief and anguish. Something had been troubling Cameron. Did he lose hope and walk to his death? Because if he didn’t, the isolation of the outback leaves few suspects…
Dark, suspenseful, and deeply atmospheric, The Lost Man is the highly anticipated next book from the bestselling and award-winning Jane Harper, author of The Dry and Force of Nature
I really enjoyed it – much more than her first novel. The sense of place was brilliant and the relationships were particularly well done. It was compelling – I couldn’t stop reading “just one more chapter”. And I didn’t pick the murderer!
Once again I think this would be a fabulous movie.
Another review.