Tag Archives: Stéphane Carlier

La Vie N’est Pas Un Roman De Susan Cooper – Stéphane Carlier

La Vie N’est Pas Un Roman De Susan Cooper – Stéphane Carlier

I have been learning french for a long time. I started at Alliance Française, and then Duolingo (I finished the French ‘tree’) and now Lingoda. While I was in Paris, I bought this novel. I struggled a bit because my vocabulary is not extensive, but I think I understood and appreciated the story.

Here’s the blurb …

Susan Cooper, romancière britannique établie à Paris, écrit des polars lus dans le monde entier. Alors qu’elle s’apprête à se rendre au Salon du livre de Monaco, une jeune femme qu’elle ne connaît pas la contacte via Instagram et lui annonce qu’elle a tué un homme quelques heures plus tôt. Que répondre à cet étrange message ? D’ailleurs, faut-il y répondre ? Le plus sage serait sans doute de l’ignorer. Mais, c’est bien connu, les écrivains sont par nature des gens curieux…

I will try to translate

Susan Cooper, a British novelist living in Paris, writes crime novels read all over the world. While she was getting ready to go to the Salon of Books Of Monaco, a young woman who she didn’t know contacted her via Instragam and she announces that she had killed a man a few hours earlier. How to respond to this strange message. Besides was it necessary to respond? The prudent thing would be without a doubt to ignore it. But it is well-Known that writers are by nature curious people …

It took me a while to read it, I started in August. The plot was interesting, but my french is not good enough to comment on the writing. I did enjoy increasing my vocabulary, particularly with words and phrases more informal than you learn in class.

Now I am reading La Vie Pourrie d’Ellie by Lucy Vine. I found my copy at the local school fête. I think it is an english novel translated into french.

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Filed under 4, Crime, Fiction, French, Paper