Just One Damned Thing After Another – Jodi Taylor

Just One Damned Thing After Another – Jodi Taylor

When we were in London, we visited The Forbidden Planet book store. While waiting for the other members of my family to browse, get excited, etc. I picked up this one.

Here’s the blurb …

If the whole of History lay before you, where would you go?

When Dr Madeleine Maxwell is recruited by the St Mary’s Institute of Historical Research, she discovers the historians there don’t just study the past – they revisit it.

But one wrong move and History will fight back – to the death. And Max soon discovers it’s not just History she’s fighting…

This was my second time travelling novel in a short period of time (the other being The Ministry of Time), so I am hoping I don’t mix up plots.

I enjoyed this, the writing was good – I never got dragged out of the story by a clunky sentence. Who hasn’t wanted to travel back in time and see things first hand? I am not sure I would choose to go back to the time of the dinosaurs, but seeing the library definitely. I also appreciated how all of the space-time continuum issues were solved. Plus there was a bit of romance, comradery, and a bit of an ethical conundrum.

This is a good entry point into fantasy for someone.

A review.

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